Professional life and career coach specialized in change management and leadership development.
Almost 10 years experience in coaching working with a wide variety of people to help them make positive change in their lives and careers, develop new skills, adapt to changes.
Certified in Emotional-Centered and Positive Intelligence Coaching I help people to be whole and authentic, embrace who they are, feel fulfilled utilizing their passion and strengths without holding them back, build trustful relationships, use challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.
Trained in Conscious Business Coaching I support leaders in developing new set of skills required in today’s changing and complex world.
Certified Mentor Coach and Supervisor.
10+ years diverse leadership experience as a manager, business owner, partner, and board member
20+ years of experience working with people internationally: Canada, Russia, Japan, Thailand
500+ mentor-coaching and supervision sessions
2500+ coaching hours
Notable clients
What makes me a good coach and counsellor are my imperfections.
English is my second language, that insecurity makes me vulnerable and at the same time helps me create a safe space for my clients to be vulnerable as well, explore their imperfections, and discover how to use that to become an authentic and trustworthy leader.
I have a solid experience working with corporates as external coach, but I don’t have a lot of corporate experience myself. My unknownness and curiosity allow leaders to see new perspectives and find unexpected solutions to the challenges they face in a corporate world.
My need for change drove me to move numerous times all around the world and try myself in different areas before I found myself in coaching. This diverse experience led me to my true passion – helping people to thrive through coaching and highlighted my specialization – leadership development. From my experience starting my life and career from scratch, I developed my adaptability, resilience, appreciation to diversity.
Сертифицированный коуч (MCC-ICF), работающий по стандартам Международной Федерации Коучинга. Специализация: Стратегический коучинг в период перемен.
Сертифицированный психолог-консультант. Работаю в подходах: Эмоционально-образная терапия, Нарративная терапия, IFC (Внутренние Системные Системы).
Сертифицированный Ментор-коуч и супервизор для коучей.
Более чем 15-летний опыт работы с людьми в разных странах: Канада, Россия, Япония, Таиланд.
Моя работа направлена на то, чтобы люди могли раскрыть и максимально реализовать свой потенциал, получать удовлетворение от работы и радоваться жизни, расти и осознанно развиваться как целостная личность, опираясь на свои ценности, сохранять внутреннюю гармонию и находить баланс работа-личная жизнь.
10+ лет разнообразного опыта руководящей работы в качестве менеджера, владельца бизнеса, партнера и члена совета директоров
20+ лет опыта работы с людьми по всему миру: Канада, Россия, Япония, Таиланд
500+ часов проведенных менторингов и супервизий
2500+ часов проведенных коуч-сессий
Среди моих клиентов: Facebook, CNN, Google, Salesforce
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